Chiropractor explaining SCM muscles in Hillcrest, South Africa.

Understanding the SCM's: Your Guide to Neck Pain Relief

Have you ever experienced neck pain that radiates to your head, jaw, and even causes dizziness? It might be due to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, commonly known as SCM.
The Culprits Behind Mysterious Aches

SCMs are those tiny yet troublesome muscles that can wreak havoc on your comfort. They are situated in your neck and shoulder area and can often go unnoticed until they start causing problems.

Symptoms and Their Impact

The referral pattern of SCMs is vast, capable of mimicking sinus pain, headaches, eye pain, cheek discomfort, and more. In this post, Dr. Neil Cuninghame, a chiropractor and pain management specialist in Hillcrest, South Africa, will shed light on how these muscles can affect your overall well-being.

Unveiling the SCM's Anatomy

Letโ€™s delve into the anatomy of SCMs. These muscles have two origins: one at the top of the sternum and the other at the end of the clavicle. They ascend the neck, eventually attaching to the base of the skull and the mastoid process.

Alleviating SCM Troubles

Dr. Neil Cuninghame recommends two effective stretches to ease SCM-related discomfort:

  1. Tuck chin down, tilt neck to the side.
  2. Turn head away, tilt backward, push chin into a corner of the room.

By performing these stretches, you can give your SCMs the attention they deserve and potentially find relief from associated symptoms.

Picture of Dr Neil Cuninghame

Dr Neil Cuninghame

Hillcrest Chiropractor

2 Meyrickton Place, Hillcrest

031 035 1165

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