These are a few questions my staff and I are asked on a frequent basis. I hope they answer a few questions you may have. If you still have questions please send us a mail or give us a call and we will clarify where possible.
Your initial consultation will be approximately 45 minutes and usually includes a detailed case history, physical examination as well as relevant orthopaedic and neurological tests. Treatment is based on findings and will vary. Special tests or specialist referrals will be done should it be deemed neccesary.
Each follow up consultation is approximately 30 minutes.
Most medical aids will cover Chiropractic appointments and is usually taken from your day to day savings. Following your appointment you will be sent an invoice reflecting your payment and detailing your treatment and ICD10 codes. That invoice can be sent directly to your scheme and they will pay you back directly as long as there are funds available in your savings.
No you don’t need a referral from a Specialist or General Practitioner to see me. If you have been referred by another professional I do ask that you bring their details along with you as well as any special tests or imaging they may have sent you for. I do like to keep in contact with the General Practitioner or Specialist once I’ve assessed you to report findings. Im a firm believer of keeping all relevant parties in the loop with regards to your management should you agree to it.
It is also not necessary to go for any imaging studies before you see me unless another professional has advised you otherwise. I prefer to do a full assessment to determine if those are really necessary before sending for them.
I use a number of different modalities depending on what I think will be of most benefit to you. Of most interest is a return to function and reduction in pain.
Treatments may include a combination of Spinal Manipulation/Mobilisation, Dry Needling, TENS, Stretching (including static, isometric, neurodynamic), Soft Tissue work (including fascial release, ischaemic compression), Taping/Strapping (including KT tape, Dynamic tape, Rigid strapping), and Pain Education.
I believe firmly in a multidisciplinary approach to patient management and if its necessary to refer you to someone to improve your outcomes then that will be done. Pain management is complicated and it may be necessary from time to time to communicate with your GP for pharmacological interventions. Should it be necessary to send you to a specialist then the necessary steps will be taken to do so. I also work really well with Massage Therapists, Physiotherapists, and Biokineticists.
The goal is for you to be well and to get you well in the best possible way over the shortest period of time.